About me

Welcome to my website! I’m so happy you’re here.

I’m Dr Kate Gibb. I qualified as a medical doctor in the UK in 2012 and after several years of practicing in the NHS, I found myself drawn to promoting health and preventing disease. In pursuit of my interest, I did a Masters in Health Psychology and trained as a yoga teacher but I increasingly felt disconnected from clinical practice as though I couldn’t find a place to fit in. I felt lost and unfulfilled and restrained by the confines of the conventional medical system. So what next?

At the age of nine, I lost my mother to breast cancer but at the time I never grieved or processed her passing. Throughout university and my medical practice, I struggled with depression, anxiety, addiction rooted in low self worth and love. Over the years combined with a longstanding interest in psychology, I dived into the deeper layers of my inner being and started to transform my relationship with myself. I am incredibly grateful for all my teachers past and present who have been invaluable guides on my journey.

During my working years, I found myself drawn to spending time talking to patients about how they were feeling, their stories, their fears, their anxieties and past. So much unhappiness and suffering stems from core beliefs about ourselves and adaptive behaviours we once developed to protect ourselves from past experiences.  

I am on a mission to help as many people as possible reconnect to their mind,  body and soul to build a loving, peaceful partnership with themselves, emotional resilience and a sense of belonging.